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Cash Cows

It's a commonplace of for-profit management that units can be characterized in one of three ways: rising stars, cash cows...

On Watching Five-Year-Olds Play Soccer

The Girl has spent the last several years watching her older brother play sports. She has played some in the...

Bad Meetings

Chad Orzel has posted a wonderful list of Varieties of Bad Meetings. Having spent some time ( cough) in bad...


A longtime correspondent sent me this article in Academe by Lori Messinger, a professor of social work at the University...

Ask the Administrator: The Ties that Bind

This one introduces itself. I am the son of a long time correspondent and a reader in my own right...

Ask the Administrator: Activity Hour

A new correspondent writes: We just learned that our administration wants our spring schedule revised (campus-wide) to include a break...

To The Girl

Yesterday we watched you climb on the bus for your first day of kindergarten. You bounded in so quickly I...

Hurry Up and Follow Procedure!

In dealing with stimulus money, my college is caught between the dog and the fire hydrant. On the one side...