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Delayed Openings

We're heading into snow season again. That means we'll probably have another round of snow day decisions to make. Luckily...

The Turkey Trot

Anyone with kids, or a long memory, knows the story: pack the whole clan into a car for hours on...

Ask the Administrator: How to Change a Culture?

A regular correspondent writes: I'm hoping your wise and worldly readers can shed some light on my anonymous, and of...

Looking Like Work

To the surprise of absolutely nobody who knows me, I'm a fan of The Big Bang Theory. In a recent...

Teaching Governance

There's a thoughtful piece in yesterday's IHE by Terri Givens about how graduate students and new professors are socialized, or...

A Response to Michael Berube

A few alert readers called my attention to this post by Michael Berube, in which he attacks my response to...

Politics of Hiring: Riffing on Profgrrrrl

First, if you've ever wanted a sense of academic hiring, read Profgrrrrl's post. Now. Slowly. It's all true. Worse, it...

Ask the Administrator: Let's Go to the Videotape!

An occasional correspondent writes: At one of my adjunct gigs (where I teach just once a week) the HR department...