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A Thought on Pell Grants

Political momentum being what it is, it's looking like the more innovative and interesting parts of the American Graduation Initiative...


"Should master's programs train their students for the number of students they would have in an ideal world or the...

"As a Mother..."

I've spent the last week or so slowly reading Lisa Dodson's The Moral Underground. It's only about 200 pages and...


I've read a fair number of pieces about 'casualization' over the last few years, particularly in the context of higher...

The Great Training Robbery

As regular readers know, I'm usually unimpressed by The New York Times' coverage of higher education. But this story is...

Some Unabashedly Good News

The New Niece is here! She was born on Friday, and she's healthy and beautiful. 7 pounds, 7 ounces, all...

The Ultimate Safety School?

With the Great Recession wreaking havoc on parental jobs, we've had an influx of students this year who normally would...

Making It Up in Volume

There's a wonderful I Love Lucy episode in which Lucy and Ethel decide to go into the salad dressing business...