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In a meeting today, I heard a smart person use "wi-fi" as a verb, as in "we wi-fi'ed the room...

Ask the Administrator: Is This Normal?

I love this question. A returning correspondent writes: A month or two ago, I wrote and asked for advice about...

Job Guaranteed or Your Money Back!

An alert reader sent me this story from Time. Apparently, Lansing Community College (MI) is guaranteeing students in certain pre-career...

Outsourcing Grading

I have to admit getting a good laugh from this. Apparently, there's a company that employs people in India with...

Ask the Administrator: Do I Need a Doctorate to Make the Leap?

A self-identified Gen X correspondent writes I am currently at a somewhat senior level in finance at one of the...

Reading Titles

My new co-blogger at IHE has a nice piece on job titles that raise more questions than they answer. It's...

Taking the Leap

My friend and erstwhile colleague Lesboprof has a wonderful, thought-provoking post up about deciding not to take a shot at...

Ten Books

The "what ten books have influenced you?" meme is making its way around the blogs, and while I don't usually...