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The Undertow

(Warning: this one's a little vent-y.) Yesterday started with one of those meetings that left me drained, precisely because it...

Definition Question

Based on an offhand comment the other day, I'd love to hear from my wise and worldly (academic) readers to...

I'd Like to Thank the Academy

Since the root of "academic" is "academy," it seems like we should have our own Academy Awards. Colleges have been...

When Funding Models Collide

Like many colleges, mine has two main funding models operating side by side. The traditional one is the not-for-profit, credit-bearing...

Genetic Guilt

The Boy had another swim lesson last night, and it wasn't pretty. As miserable as he was, it all came...

Dentist? Nooo...

This piece on fiscal exigency and tenure got me thinking about an unexpected call I got about fifteen years ago...


Last week I heard someone drop the "administrative meddling" line. "Meddling" is one of those words that makes me skeptical...

Bless Their Hearts

Although Aunt B. tries to tell us out here in internet-land that the government of Tennessee is a bunch of...