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Ask the Administrator: Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?

A perplexed correspondent writes: Right now I am a Community College Adjunct who is applying for some full time positions...

Ask the Administrator: The Library as Ladder?

A new correspondent writes: I am the library director at a small liberal arts institution. I have worked closely with...

Helpful Hints for Hidden Hoops

Over the past week, I've heard three separate discussions of invisible hoops in the job market that disfavor folks who...

Diversity Begins At Home

The Wife is Catholic, and I’m not. She’s raising the kids Catholic, though we’ve negotiated some boundaries on that. The...

Seasonal Academic Disorder

One of my colleagues calls this month “Hatepril.” It’s an awful time. With the academic year in the final stretch...

Ask the Administrator: Speaking Truth to Power

A new correspondent writes: I am a doctoral student at State University, a university founded on the principle that college...

Scenes from the Science Fair

- The Boy and The Girl both did science fair projects again this year. TB did one on paper airplanes...

Ask the Administrator: One Prediction Leads to Another

In response to yesterday’s post predicting huge personnel movement as soon as the market starts to thaw, a new correspondent...