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If I Could Have One Wish...

Okay, this probably wouldn’t be it. But if I had a short list, this would be on it. I would...

Ask the Administrator: Reporting Third Party Harassment

A new correspondent writes: A friend of mine works at a different college than me. She is not tenured (she...

Professors Hatfield and McCoy

What should a college do when the two members of a two-person department are locked in a feud? Feuds can...

The Achilles' Heel of the For-Profits

Quick -- what’s the fatal flaw of for-profit higher ed? Adjuncts? Nope -- the nonprofits invented the genre, and have...

Interstate Protectionism

The Department of Education has passed a rule requiring colleges that offer online courses to be licensed in every state...

Ask the Administrator: Final Grade Windows

A regular correspondent writes: Apropos to the time of year... how long is it reasonable to expect faculty to turn...

Too Long for Tweets, Too Short for Posts

- With all the technological advances of the last decade, why are we still using passwords? They’re both insecure and...

Ask the Administrator: A Market-Clearing Wage?

Every so often I get a question that’s almost a guest post. In this one, a new correspondent opens a...