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The End of Year Serenity Prayer

Education Gods, Grant me the endurance to get through the ceremonies I have to attend, Good alibis for the others...

Stuck in the Slow Lane

You know that awful feeling when you’re stuck in a lane that’s moving so much slower than the lane next...

Other Parents

“But Joey’s parents let him play Call of Duty!” Sigh. We’ve hit the age at which our biggest parenting obstacle...

"Higher Education Sucks, But My College is Great!"

It’s a commonplace that Americans hate Congress, but love their individual Representatives. Some of that has to do with the...


When I think about the California community college system for any length of time, it makes my soul hurt. Apparently...

Ask My Readers: CMS Migration

Wise and worldly readers, I need the benefit of your experience. This summer, my college will migrate from one Course...

In Which I Declare My Candidacy for President of the United States

Dear readers, I am announcing my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the Presidency of the United States. Any questions...

Ask the Administrator: Selling a Program

An occasional correspondent writes: I have to write a letter from the employer perspective to the local community college president...