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To Blog or Not To Blog?

I shouldn't talk about it. But, unsurprisingly, I will anyway, and wonder why I shouldn't take about it to begin with.

The Argument Sketch

Sometimes the only appropriate way to respond to ridiculousness is with more ridiculousness that is actually insightful.

Cattle Call, or More Fun with Imperfect Analogies

What we can learn from striking/locked-out millionaires.


Yeah, I stole that from Charlie Sheen, but the inspiration for this post comes from a legitimate comedic source: Louie.

Friday Afternoon News Dump

It's not just about "old" media versus "new" media; it's about who controls the narrative and when.

Why Bother? Thoughts from an “Old” PhD

My PhD is apparently out of date and I've priced myself out of an entry-level position in higher education. How can this happen?

Doing DH versus Doing Digital

I'm tired of being used by the digital tools.