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Academics and SEO

It's not just about putting your stuff out there; it's also about making sure people find it.

On the Humanity of #TvsZ

I became a zombie and rediscovered my own humanity.

Peer-Driven Learning: When Zombies Overran Twitter

I had a bad week. And then I played a game on Twitter and gained some perspective. And had some fun, too.

Print versus Digital: Textbook Edition

Digital Writing Month has me reflecting on the value of print - and keeping it looking like print.

Professional Me versus Swimmer Me

I have some issues with Ethos, especially when I jump in the pool.

Digital Writing Month

One month. 50,000 words. As long as they don't all have to be spelled properly, I'll be fine.

Challenges in Digital Humanities

It's not all sunshine and rainbows for digital humanities