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Happy Birthday!

College Ready Writing (IHE Edition) is now one year old.

Who Is Doing DH?

Or, more accurately, who gets to claim they do DH?

Why Do DH?

This might sound naive, but digital humanities provides three things that my current position within higher education does not.

The Teaching Track? Really?

The idea that there should be two tracks in higher ed is making the rounds again. I'm not impressed.

Never-Ending To-Do List

December is just around the corner. I think I might be in trouble.

Gentrification in Higher Education

I've seen a change in the students in my classes. And I wonder if that's a good thing.

The Print Fetish

We love print. Like, really, really love print, myself included. How can we change the culture that puts print above all other forms of publishing?

Breaking the Job Search Silence

Putting my money where my mouth is. Proverbial money. I'm contingent, after all.