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After Brexit, King's College London Considers German Campus

King’s College London is considering opening a campus in Germany in what could be the first such European campus to...

Study: Proximity Still Matters to Collaboration

Face time -- the real kind, not Apple’s version -- still matters, at least when it comes to collaboration among...

Active Learning in the Age of Classroom Cellphones

Perhaps faculty members’ conflicting views reflect that academe is made up of people who hold different paradigms related to authority, writes Aubree Evans.

OpenStax Launches Learning Platform

The Rice University-based free textbook publisher is the latest in the industry to pair its own course content with an online learning platform.

Finding Its Moment, 30 Years Later

A brief mention in an interview by a British artist breathes life and sales into a niche music theory book.

Documenting Harassment in Astronomy

Survey data point to widespread problems, but also opportunities for astronomy to lead on improving the climate for women and minorities.

We Don’t Need No Stinking Thought Leaders

Despite Daniel Drezner’s arguments to the contrary, now is not the “worst of times” for public intellectuals, Jonathan Marks argues.

Heart Disease

Finding an easier way to detect heart disease could be closer than you think. In today's Academic Minute, New York...