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Road-Tripping for OER

A math professor takes his ideas for open educational materials to campuses across Georgia to try to help save students millions of dollars.

3 Easy-to-Use Digital Tools That Engage Learners

Ben Hommerding provides insights into free and low-cost technologies for creating recordings and videos and enhancing online discussions.

There’s an App for That

While no writing instrument can do the actual work for you, Scott McLemee describes the benefits (and disadvantages) of various note-taking apps.

Evolving Economic Models for Higher Ed

Inside Higher Ed editors Scott Jaschik and Doug Lederman discuss the topics from the "Evolving Economic Models for Higher Ed"...

Free Speech and Advertising

Advertisements are more pervasive than ever. In today's Academic Minute, the University at Buffalo's Mark Bartholomew discusses advertisements and the...

Deep Partisan Divide on Higher Education

In dramatic shift, more than half of Republicans now say colleges have a negative impact on the U.S., with wealthier, older and more educated Republicans being least positive.

Writing for Wider Audiences: Structural Challenges for Scholars

Institutional incentives (and barriers) are major reasons why more professors don’t try to bring their ideas to the public, Danielle Cooper and Christine Wolff-Eisenberg argue.