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For-Profit Back in Business, Legal Dispute Continues

As reported in Inside Higher Ed, the Obama administration shut down the Myhre family-owned Globe University, but an affiliated university...

Academic Minute: Caves Hold Clues to Climate Change

Today on the Academic Minute, Jessica Oster, assistant professor in the department of earth and environmental sciences at Vanderbilt University...

11 Research Universities Start Aid Initiative

A consortium of research universities announced today that it is starting a new initiative to provide students with grants that...

Professor Wrongly Identified as White Supremacist

Kyle Quinn, an assistant professor of engineering at the University of Arkansas, was mistakenly identified as a participant in Friday’s...

Klan 2.0

In The Second Coming of the KKK: The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s and the American Political Tradition, Linda Gordon emphasizes broad patterns, making the book more timely than even the headlines of the past few days would suggest, writes Scott McLemee.

‘Degrees of Difference’

Author discusses new book on how the value of higher education is discussed -- and how issues of gender influence that discussion.

Your Students May Think Machines Teach Them More Than You Do

New study finds young adults believe they learn more from technology than from fellow humans. Experts say such results reinforce need for greater classroom emphasis on how to use technology to pursue knowledge.