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Billion-Year Spree

In On the Future: Prospects for Humanity, Martin Rees encourages us to think beyond the new norms of diminished and collapsing expectations, writes Scott McLemee.

Handpicked Attendees for Conservative Speaker

Young Americans for Freedom at University of Southern California canceled tickets to an event, fearful that students who disagreed with the speaker's views would disrupt him.

A Road to Nowhere

Many community colleges rely too much on associate degrees that have little labor market value and too rarely lead to a four-year credential, Ryan Craig argues.

Bystander Effect

Why is the bystander effect so prevalent? In today's Academic Minute, part of Amherst College Week, Catherine Sanderson explains how...

No Regrets

Large-scale humanities Ph.D. tracking effort finds most would do it all over again, if given the choice, and that these Ph.D.s believe their programs prepared them for diverse career paths, especially after the first few years following graduation.

Campus Contagion

Hand, foot and mouth disease is breaking out on numerous campuses, leaving students frustrated and campus officials struggling to contain the spread.

Fixed Maximum Terms for Student Visas?

Trump administration plans to set new time limits for student visas to reduce overstays. Advocates for international exchange see the move as one that could hurt America's ability to compete for international students.

Degrees Outpace Job Requirements in Most Cities

A new report from the Urban Institute used federal data to analyze the "mix-match" between the share of residents with...