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New Purdue Health Plan Boots Employed Spouses

Faculty members at Purdue University are pushing the university to reconsider recent changes to health care plans, notably the decision...

Common App's Transfer App: Fast Start, Rocky Start

New service attracts considerable interest, but some trying to use it are frustrated.

What's Really at Stake in the Harvard Case

For many students, experiences as members of a particular racial or ethnic group are central to their identities, and those identities should not vanish in the name of colorblind admissions, writes Nicholas Soodik.

In Real Game of Life, Attending Wealthy High School Trumps All

Socioeconomic status of high school has more impact on educational attainment and life success than does attending a high school with high levels of student achievement, study finds.

Recommendation Letters and Bias in Admissions

If teachers and counselors favor some groups over others, should colleges be relying on their letters?

College Will Close on Day of Protest by Far Right

Clark College, a community college in Washington State, has announced that it will call off classes and other activities on...

Differences in Snap Judgments Between Children and Adults

Do kids react differently to faces than adults? In today's Academic Minute, part of Amherst College Week, Carrie Palmquist explores...

What the Doctor Ordered: Medical Schools

As midsize, nonelite private institutions look to the future, they're turning to an unlikely path: building new medical schools.