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Degrees Outpace Job Requirements in Most Cities

A new report from the Urban Institute used federal data to analyze the "mix-match" between the share of residents with...

The One-Time-Only Trigger Warning

Stephen J. Ceci, Scott O. Lilienfeld and Wendy M. Williams suggest a possible solution to the thorny debate over the practice.

Maine System Bans Professor Behind Anti-Kavanaugh Course

Susan Feiner, a retired professor of women's and gender studies at the University of Southern Maine who offered students a...

Thomas Jefferson Law Won't Admit Students for Spring

The Thomas Jefferson School of Law, widely criticized for the low employment and bar passage rates of its graduates, will...

In Canada Cannabis Is Legal, but University Policies Differ

Recreational marijuana use became legal in Canada Wednesday, and the country’s universities have adopted different policies in response. A number...

Promoting Gender Equity or Sexism?

University of Glasgow requires that female Ph.D. candidates have at least one woman on their doctoral examination panel. Some see move forcing “academic housework” on senior female academics.

Google Brings Computing Courses to 10 Colleges

Google announced its latest higher education foray Wednesday: technology courses developed in-house and delivered to students at 10 four-year institutions...

Unity College Helps Gambian Student Denied Visa

In late August Inside Higher Ed published an article about a student from Gambia who was twice denied a visa...