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Should Outgoing Presidents Have Hiring Powers?

Ruth Simmons left Prairie View A&M early over limits to her authority in hiring decisions. Deferring such powers to new presidents is a common practice but often not a set policy.

Lacking Collective Bargaining Rights, but Organizing Anyway

Faculty and staff are forming unions even in states that lack collective bargaining rights for public sector workers. These recent actions are part of a long history.

Fighting Racism in STEMM

A new National Academies report recommends systemic changes to confront racism in science, technology, engineering, math and medicine disciplines.

Justifying Program Cuts With an Unreleased Report

Utica University’s president wants to eliminate degree offerings in subjects such as chemistry and philosophy. But a report supposedly buttressing the move isn’t public.

Should Colleges Honor Disgraced Ex-Presidents?

Portraits, special ceremonies, emeritus status and massive payouts are just a few of the perks some ex-presidents receive—no matter what kind of upheaval they leave behind.

Avoiding ‘The Big Quit’ in the New Year

How can college leaders in 2023 begin to re-engage their employees in the midst of increasing disengagement and departures? Brandon L. Wolfe offers some suggestions.

The Great Resignation at Community Colleges

Community colleges underwent major staffing losses during the pandemic. Now they’re suffering from the ripple effects, and campus leaders are trying desperately to recruit.

Could Reducing ‘Sludge’ Increase Faculty Morale?

Ever had to wait forever to speak with someone to report a simple problem? If so, then you know exactly what sludge is and how infuriating it can be, Kevin Van Winkle writes.