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The Great Resignation… or the Great Surrender?

With higher ed facing so many steep challenges, it’s not the time to quit, Bob Massa and Bill Conley write.

Colleges Look to Staffing Firms to Allow Remote Work

To address the legal questions and potential HR issues that can arise when employees move across state lines, some universities partner with third-party firms to keep employees on the payroll from afar.

Higher Ed’s Hiring Woes

Recruiting and retention challenges are hitting colleges, according to numerous panels at the National Association of College and University Business Officers conference.

Calling It Quits

It remains unclear just how many professors are leaving their jobs during the Great Resignation, but stories about who is leaving, and why, abound. Will institutions be forced to respond with real change?

Benefits & Challenges of Hybrid/Remote Alt-Ac Work (Take 2)

A friendlier format for readers to help think about the new alternative-academic way of working.

Pandemic Trend or Labor Market Correction?

Faculty and staff turnover within the University of North Carolina system spiked last summer, including at the embattled Chapel Hill campus. System administrators blame the pandemic and other factors, while the departures continue.

Planned Wage Changes Stoke Tension

The Department of Labor is considering a rule to raise wage minimums for overtime-exempt workers, causing friction between higher education associations and rank-and-file employees.

Cutting Faculty Salaries by Executive Order

University of Missouri system continues to defend the president’s right to cut individual faculty pay by 25 percent, but professors wonder how far the policy will go—and at what greater costs.