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Administrator Pay Flat in Pandemic

Report shows lowest salary increase for administrators since 2010. But the proportion of women and minority administrators did not decrease -- a welcome surprise after fears they would be the first to be let go during the pandemic.

Faculty Salaries Dip This Year

Professor pay declined this year for the first time since it recovered -- somewhat -- from the Great Recession. Salary data don't include professors who were laid off.

Days of Reckoning

However the Supreme Court rules, compensation of college athletes is inevitable -- and will force universities to give a truthful accounting of their athletics financials, writes Nicholas S. Zeppos.

Academe's Sticky Pay-Parity Problem

Women make up just 24 percent of research universities' top earners, according to a new report urging action on pay parity in academe. Women of color are just 2 percent.

Between a Lawsuit and Retirement

A longtime professor wants to retire. Her university says she has to drop her pay-based gender discrimination suit first.

Cuts for Pay Parity?

Part-time faculty at Portland Community College in Oregon are upset after changes to create pay parity unintentionally resulted in pay cuts for some.

Seeking Fair Pay

Five female professors sue Rutgers, saying the university hasn't delivered on its new salary equity adjustment program despite demonstrated disparities.