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An ‘Ambitious’ Regulatory Agenda

The Education Department’s docket for this year includes amending regulations on accreditation, state authorization, distance education, cash management and third-party servicers. Plus, the agency plans new Title IX and gainful-employment regulations this spring.

What Should We Do About Undergrads Who Want to Pursue a Humanities Doctorate?

Reflections on the end of history … and the academic study of the arts, literature and philosophy.


Deconstructing ChatGPT on the Future of Continuing Education

The future has arrived in continuing education—however, many have yet to realize the arrival.

Game On

Students develop preferences and learn skills when they play online games. A new study suggests that information could help them chart their career trajectories.

Is a Deal Between 44 Texas Colleges and Elsevier ‘Historic’?

Some laud the agreement. Others say it falls short. If nothing else, the deal offers an example of how a collection of colleges is navigating a tense academic publishing ecosystem.

‘Woeful’ Evidence for Efficacy of Anonymous Reporting Tools

Colleges can choose from an array of tech tools for reporting suspicious behavior. But with little evidence-based research, many feel adrift on what works for this life-or-death matter.

Freaking Out About ChatGPT—Part I

Artificial intelligence can crank out passable student essays in seconds. What are we going to do?

The Gradual, Disjointed Dispersion of Academic Twitter

Whether Twitter is destined for a fast, slow or no downfall at all remains to be seen. But some in academe aren’t waiting: they are heading for Mastodon or other platforms.