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Junior Juilliard

The New York arts school will soon offer online classes to K-12 students. Juilliard officials say music has a place in digital education that has been largely overlooked to this point.

Score One for the Robo-Tutors

In a study spanning six public universities, students taught statistics mainly through software learned as much as peers taught primarily by humans. And the robots got the job done quicker.

Patent Protector or Pest?

Some colleges say Intellectual Ventures, a company that acquires patents, is a worthy partner and smart investment. Others fear the company's lawsuits squelch innovation.

Out-of-Office Office Hours

San Antonio College debates proposal that would allow professors to move half of their 10 required hours online. Proponents say it's next logical step in digital revolution, while critics fear reduction in student contact.

Virtual Philosophy

U. of North Carolina-Greensboro might soon offer its first fully online undergraduate degree -- in philosophy.


Despite its volume, 350-page court ruling in landmark case on fair use left many questions unanswered.

MOOCs and Machines

In a podcast interview, Open Learning Initiative director Candace Thille talks MOOCs, big data, and what we might soon know about learning.

Legal Education and the Web

Washington U. Law School becomes latest top-tier law school to offer fully online master's degree. But it may be a long time yet before the bar association approves a fully online J.D.