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The Real Precipice

Forget MOOCs. The true challenge to higher ed will come from models that use cognitive science and technology to remove faculty members from the center of the learning process, writes Richard Holmgren.

Reframing the Conversation

Enough with the tsunami metaphors. At a conference on faculty work and student learning, attendees say language, not technology, is holding back efforts to change the liberal arts.

Digital Rescue

Advocates for new teaching technologies say liberal arts institutions should flock to, not fear, online education.

Taking on Accreditors and Faculty

Florida lawmakers want to boost MOOCs and upend the traditional quality control system by letting state officials demand that public colleges grant credit for courses offered by unaccredited institutions.

Free to Profit

Coursera, which made a name for itself offering free courses from elite universities, begins to make money.

Digital Research, Not Teaching

Survey of professors finds that they identify and use online materials for their own studies, but are less likely to do so for their classrooms.

The Minerva Moment?

In an era of free online classes, one university wants students to pay to fly across the world to be taught together online, by professors who may not be on campus. Will this model work?

Intel on Adaptive Learning

The Gates Foundation pulls together a diverse group of college leaders to dish on adaptive learning and funds new report on the emerging technology.