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The Post-LMS LMS

After a “summer of non-announcements,” analysts see learning management systems struggling to evolve. Could the push come from open-source projects?

A Question of Quality

Coursera has come under attack after an instructor conducted a social experiment on his students, but the MOOC provider is sticking with its hands-off policies, saying they promote academic freedom.

Digital Hubris, Digital Humility

Adam Crymble considers why a rapidly growing movement has attracted a backlash, and what can be done about it.

Net Neutrality Offensive

Eleven higher education and library groups join the growing chorus calling to protect the openness of the Internet.

The Pulse: On the Horizon for eLearning

This month's edition of The Pulse podcast looks at what's on the horizon in digital learning instruction. In it, Rodney...

Teaching With Tech Across Borders

As colleges look for low-cost ways to globalize the on-campus learning experience, there's increasing interest in using the Internet to connect with international classrooms.

The Mystery of the Missing MOOC

A social experiment gone wrong? A protest against Facebook? Performance art? Twitter sleuths attempt to figure out why a Coursera MOOC derailed after one week. UPDATE: The professor speaks.

Sloan Goes Online

Ahead of its 20th conference on online education, the Sloan Consortium renames itself the Online Learning Consortium.