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Twitter Has the Chatter

Study finds many researchers maintain a presence on professional networks, but use Twitter to discuss their work.

The New Rankings?

LinkedIn's new tool -- which allows users to see the careers that different majors lead to -- is one of several data-aggregation services seeking to inform students and parents about job outcomes.

No Apologies

It's time for students who leave MOOCs and the professors who teach them to stop apologizing, writes Jeffrey Pomerantz.

All Things in Modulation

U. of Wisconsin at Madison's second round of MOOCs will feature smaller, more focused courses that target local learners -- and activities beyond the last day of class.

Bandwidth Exceeded

U. of Texas at Austin faces blowback against a plan to limit access to its "first class" network -- and force those who exceed bandwidth limits to endure almost unusable speeds.

Southern Blend

Can a group of liberal arts colleges in the South -- institutions that value personal interaction -- win over faculty on blended learning?

Shrinking Cal State Online

The California State U. System scales back plans to enroll a quarter of a million students through a centralized online portal -- a goal that failed to attract interest across its 23 campuses and that many professors questioned.

My Course, Your Content

A report on MOOCs in Maryland classrooms delivers encouraging results, but faculty members say shaping a course around another instructor's content can be tricky.