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Waiting for the FCC

After the Federal Communications Commission cracks down on blocking mobile hot spots at a hotel, IT officers are waiting to hear if the order applies to colleges and universities.

Cautions on E-books

Daniel Goldstein warns that some of the contracts colleges are accepting may limit access in key ways.

Counting the Online Population

With the federal government tallying students in online courses, the Babson Survey Research Group considers changes to its annual report on the distance education market.

The Pulse: eLearning Conference Highlights

The Pulse podcast offers highlights from a regional conference on distance learning.

Teaching With Technology

Teaching With Technology is our latest compilation of articles. As with other such print-on-demand booklets, the articles group together pieces...

Bending the Cost Curve

Economics paper suggests online education can lower the cost of tuition -- but is it due to increased competition or productivity?

'Inflection Point' in IT

Some university IT offices are struggling to keep up with the pace of change in technology, which a report describes as the "new normal" for higher education.

Have MOOCs Helped or Hurt?

Randy Best writes that, despite all the hype, the massive course trend may be more faddish than influential.