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Robot-Written Peer Reviews

Computer-generated gobbledygook can pass for the real thing with many faculty members, study finds.

The Tenured IT Expert?

Technology experts should have the academic freedom to speak on behalf of what's best for education, not just a university's bottom line, Jonathan A. Poritz and Jonathan Rees argue.

Reclaim Your Buzzwords

Rather than shun technologies hyped by companies with grand promises, faculty members should force vendors to explain how the tools will help professors teach and students learn, Michael Feldstein argues.

Somebody Else's Problem

Report finds initiative fatigue and a lack of accountability, among other obstacles, are preventing colleges from improving student outcomes.

Digital Education, the 'Mainstream Orthodoxy'

New book examines how technology is changing education -- and whether that change is for the better.

'Safe Space' for Experimentation or Dangerous 'Loophole'?

Two experts -- Barmak Nassirian and Paul LeBlanc -- discuss federal experiment to open up student aid to eight noncollege job training programs.

Humans, the Latest MOOC Feature

MIT experiments with instructor grading in massive open online courses as a way to expand teaching and learning opportunities for students and instructors.

The Pulse: Dublabs' Tony Orlando

This month’s episode of the “Pulse” podcast features an interview with Tony Orlando, chief executive officer of DubLabs.