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3 Easy-to-Use Digital Tools That Engage Learners

Ben Hommerding provides insights into free and low-cost technologies for creating recordings and videos and enhancing online discussions.

U of Michigan Tests Automated Text-analysis Tool

As reported in Inside Higher Ed, high-enrollment courses often lead professors to assign multiple-choice quizzes, as more complicated forms of...

OpenStax Launches Learning Platform

The Rice University-based free textbook publisher is the latest in the industry to pair its own course content with an online learning platform.

Active Learning in the Age of Classroom Cellphones

Perhaps faculty members’ conflicting views reflect that academe is made up of people who hold different paradigms related to authority, writes Aubree Evans.

Net Neutrality Battle

Questions about funding and disclosure surround article advocating more economic analysis at the FCC, ahead of major moves by Trump appointees to roll back net neutrality rules.

A New* System for Student Success Planning

EAB, a research and technology services company, says the time is right for an enterprise-level “student success management system.” Other vendors wonder what took them so long.

The Term MOOC to Fade Away (and Other MOOC Predictions)

Writing for Inside Higher Ed, Cathy Sandeen looked back at her past predictions and claims about massive open online courses...

The Term MOOC to Fade Away (and Other MOOC Predictions)

Writing for Inside Higher Ed, Cathy Sandeen looked back at her past predictions and claims about massive open online courses...