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OpenStax Pairs Course Content and Learning Platform

As reported in Inside Higher Ed, OpenStax, the free textbook publisher based at Rice University, is expanding beyond books. The...

EAB to Compete as Student Success Management System

As reported in Inside Higher Ed, EAB, a research and technology services company, says the time is right for an...

OpenStax Pairs Course Content and Learning Platform

As reported in Inside Higher Ed, OpenStax, the free textbook publisher based at Rice University, is expanding beyond books. The...

U of Michigan Tests Automated Text-analysis Tool

As reported in Inside Higher Ed, high-enrollment courses often lead professors to assign multiple-choice quizzes, as more complicated forms of...

Effective Teaching Online

Four authors of books about online course development offer guidelines for engaging learners in distance education courses.

Movers and Shakers: Marni Baker Stein

After two decades at traditional universities experimenting with new approaches to learning, a leader in the field shifts to an institution with innovation at its core.

More Than Just Cool?

Virtual and augmented realities make headway in courses on health care, art history and social work.

Road-Tripping for OER

A math professor takes his ideas for open educational materials to campuses across Georgia to try to help save students millions of dollars.