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Job Changes in Digital Learning

Recent hires and promotions in the fields of online learning and instructional technology, at Anderson, California Community Colleges, Harvard, Northern Illinois, Waubonsee and West Florida.

Not Your Mother’s Online Class

Hybrid education may be the breath of the future -- and the death of teaching as we know it, Curtis Newbold writes.

Michigan to Start Online, Part-Time M.B.A. Program

The University of Michigan's Ross School of Business announced Tuesday that it will start a part-time online master of business...

Simulating Robots, DIY Edition

User-friendly robotics simulators were hard to come by in higher ed -- so one professor enlisted students to take matters into their own hands.

The End of a Blogging Era at Harvard

As one of the first university-hosted blogging platforms prepares to wind down, concerns arise about the fate of its archives.

Student Spending on Course Materials Plummets

In the last decade, average student spending on required course materials has decreased by more than 30 percent, according to the National Association of College Stores.

Seeking a Middle Ground Between Publishers and OER

Top Hat strives to get professors to create their own textbooks and make them available free or for sale on its platform. Should traditional textbook publishers be concerned?

Accessibility Rules the Conversation

Administrators and professors alike wonder how their institutions' progress in making course content available to all students compares with others, as advocates continue their push.