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Online Learning Consortium Honors Innovative Projects

The Online Learning Consortium unveiled its annual Digital Learning Innovation Award honorees during its yearly Accelerate conference earlier this month...

Another University Sells an Art Masterpiece

While SUNY Fredonia may gain half a million dollars, some professors see a betrayal of trust.

Imagining an Apple Store for Online Degrees

Georgia Tech moves forward with plans to create storefronts for its online education programs, joining a growing number of institutions offering hybrid online learning experiences.

Statewide Data on OER Savings

North Dakota students saved more than $1 million on textbooks after the state invested just $110,000 to help instructors use open educational resources. Audit identifies successes and ongoing challenges.

In Prime Position

As Amazon green-lights two new headquarters in New York and Northern Virginia, universities and colleges scramble to create a talent pipeline for tens of thousands of high-paying tech jobs.

Who's Taking Nondegree Courses -- and Why?

Most students enrolled in nondegree online programs already have degrees, and a minority actually want a credential, new data show.

Artificial Intelligence and Retention

The future of persistence in the age of "narrow AI," or deep learning.

Learning Across Cultures, With Help From Technology

A new project will use technology to build bridges between classrooms in the U.S. and Japan. A pedagogical model of international collaboration facilitated by technology is gaining steam worldwide.