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Online Learning: A 2-Voiced Case for Ambivalence

Wading into the rip currents of online learning evangelism and countersurging cries of alarm about the corporatization of higher ed, Steve Mentz and Christopher Schaberg seek steady footing.

To Pursue Federal Aid or Not

The Trump administration wants to spur more innovation in higher education. But some question whether pursuing federal student aid is worth it for alternative providers.

Autograding System Goes Awry, Students Fume

Computer science students at the University of California, Berkeley, are frustrated with a malfunctioning autograding system.

Your Course Is My Course, Too

Private colleges team up online to fill available courses and help students more quickly fulfill degree requirements. The initiative opens the way for more digital collaboration but poses challenges.

Digital Learning News in 'Inside Higher Ed' This Week

Among the topics: unusual partnership between liberal arts college and coding camp; joint degrees in nursing; new life for an accreditor.

Q&A: Making Sense of Universal Design for Learning

The concept applies to more than just disability issues. A new book helps contextualize the growing educational approach and offers a road map to adoption even skeptics will appreciate.

Online Learning Consortium Honors Innovative Projects

The Online Learning Consortium unveiled its annual Digital Learning Innovation Award honorees during its yearly Accelerate conference earlier this month...

Trial and Error: Striving for the Perfect LMS

Administrators at the University of Virginia wanted more from their learning management system -- so they took steps to make improvements.