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Lecture Halls for Learning, Not Watching Netflix

A Purdue University pilot program that blocked access to Netflix and other streaming sites in lecture halls is being rolled out across all academic spaces on campus.

UC Drops Elsevier

After months of negotiating over open-access fees and paywalls, the University of California System follows through on threat to cancel its journal subscription deal with Elsevier.

Educating 'Working Learners' and 'Learning Workers'

A new paper explores the shifting landscape in which new forms of credentials (shorter, offered by many types of providers)...

Educating 'Working Learners' and 'Learning Workers'

A new paper explores the shifting landscape in which new forms of credentials (shorter, offered by many types of providers)...

‘Students Are Using Mobile Even If You Aren’t’

Smartphones and tablets are changing how teachers teach and students learn. It's not always a smooth or simple transition.

Scenes From Innovations 2019

The conference on community college transformation features discussions of bringing about systemic change, the promise of open education and the right and wrong ways to get faculty buy-in.

Today's Context Demands Use of OER

Replying to a recent blog post, Jonathan Poritz argues that lowering students' costs by using open educational resources isn't just a nicety in an era when many students are hungry and textbook "quality" is exaggerated.

How Higher Ed Can Change Faster

Colleges and universities are adopting various structures to drive internal innovation and experimentation -- some focused on transformation and others on iteration, Allison Dulin Salisbury and Terah Crews write.