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Hundreds of Colleges to Get Adaptive Learning Aid

More than 200 institutions seeking support on active learning initiatives will have help over the next four years from a...

Policy Briefs from Key Digital Learning Support Organizations

Discussions of federal rules around digital learning and educational innovation are ongoing at the U.S. Department of Education. Some of...

Hundreds of Colleges to Get Adaptive Learning Aid

More than 200 institutions seeking support on active learning initiatives will have help over the next four years from a...

Policy Briefs from Key Digital Learning Support Organizations

Discussions of federal rules around digital learning and educational innovation are ongoing at the U.S. Department of Education. Some of...

Unique Memorial for Beloved Online Professor

The death of a professor who was passionate about online learning prompted colleagues, students and friends to pay tribute to him through the medium he championed.

New Twist in Federal Funding for OER

UPDATED: Education Department apparently disregards congressional instructions for spending 2019 money, dividing $5 million between Arizona State University and Chippewa Valley Technical College.

Next on College Completion Agenda: Equity

Community colleges are realizing that addressing racial and income equity are the missing pieces to improving completion rates. And Achieving the Dream wants to help them eliminate that inequity.

No Email, No Wi-Fi, No LMS

Amherst students incredulous about going for days without services they consider absolute necessities.