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A Race Against Time to Preserve University Media Collections

Irreplaceable audio and video recordings from the 20th century are languishing in university collections, deteriorating. Can they be saved?

Trial and Error: Students and Alumni Lead OER Factory

Professors at California community college submit requests for OER materials to a team of students and recent graduates, who set to work on curation.

Textbook Alternatives Take Hold at Community Colleges

A high-profile affordable textbook program wraps up in Arizona having doubled its original goal, and other institutions share similar successes.

Education Department Sets Timeline for $5 Million OER Pilot

The U.S. Department of Education is moving forward this summer on a $5 million program for the creation and development of OER.

Are Etextbooks Affordable Now?

In a bid to gain market share, publishers have slashed the cost of digital textbooks.

Relocation, Relocation, Relocation

Moving thousands of scholarly treasures out of the fine arts library at UT Austin has faculty members riled. Should a maker space and other meeting areas replace the stacks?

Hawaii Legislators Abandon Plan for Faculty Mandate on OER

Legislators rewrite bill that originally required use of freely accessible educational materials, amid criticism that legislation would have infringed academic freedom and harmed, not helped, the open-access movement.

The Digital Humanities as Public Humanities

Literary scholars should follow the example of historians and create digital work to reach people colleges and universities have ignored, Will Fenton writes.