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New Twist in Federal Funding for OER

UPDATED: Education Department apparently disregards congressional instructions for spending 2019 money, dividing $5 million between Arizona State University and Chippewa Valley Technical College.

The True Cost of Inclusive Access

A college is accused of making it nearly impossible for students to opt out of a program that automatically bills them for textbooks -- a potential breach of government regulations.

Editorial Mutiny at Elsevier Journal

Following in the footsteps of linguistics journal Lingua, the editorial board of the Elsevier-owned Journal of Informetrics has resigned and launched a rival journal that will be free for all to read.

Slow Burn for OER Adoption, Awareness

The number of instructors aware of and using OER continues to grow -- but many remain out of the loop. Will the market continue to shift?

Heavyweight Showdown Over Research Access

University of California System is playing hardball with Elsevier in negotiations that could transform the way it pays to read and publish research. But does the UC system have the clout to pull it off?

Statewide Data on OER Savings

North Dakota students saved more than $1 million on textbooks after the state invested just $110,000 to help instructors use open educational resources. Audit identifies successes and ongoing challenges.

How Faculty Think About OER

Open educational resources have grown a lot in the past decade, but many faculty members remain skeptical of the benefits...

An Unending Copyright Dispute

Appeals court ruling continues decade-long legal battle between Georgia State University and three publishers over what constitutes "fair use" of course materials. Does anyone still care about the outcome?