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The Evolution of the ‘Monkey Cage’

The academic blog “Monkey Cage” was once a hobby project of a handful of political scientists. Now it is part of The Washington Post. What’s changed?

References and Citations for All

Scholars push for free access to online citation data, saying they need and deserve access to the reference data they helped create.

Net Neutrality Rollback Concerns Colleges

The creation of internet fast lanes could come at a high cost to higher education, experts on technology and learning warn.

The White Face of Library Leadership

An Ithaka S+R survey of research libraries reveals a lack of racial and ethnic diversity in the profession, particularly at the upper levels.

Math Journal Editors Quit for Open Access

To protest the high prices charged by their publisher, Springer, the editors of the Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics will start a rival journal that will be free for all to read.

The OER Moment

"The OER Moment" is Inside Higher Ed's new print-on-demand compilation of articles. This collection of news and opinion articles may...

Threats for What She Didn’t Say

Professor’s essay about the original color of classical statues is mocked by conservative websites -- and then she receives online threats.

Look for the Seal

Textbook publishers announce new measures to curb counterfeiting of physical books, including certification seals on book covers.