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Fighting Academic Fraud

The only way to control academic fraud in big-time college sports is to let athletes be real students. Allen Sack proposes some changes that might make that possible.

Gang Rape in 2012, Furor Today

Article in Rolling Stone sets off protests and soul-searching at U. of Virginia, and suspension of all fraternities until January 9.

Shooting at the Library

When a gunman opened fire in Florida State University's Strozier Library, he attacked "the very heart of campus."

Ethics Lesson

Marquette TA becomes focus of debate for telling a student his facts criticizing gay marriage were incorrect. Critics say she squelched a student's view, but many academics say she's become a target just for doing her job.

A Competitive Disadvantage

At academically competitive institutions with big-time college sports, a large gap exists between athletes and the average student -- leaving plenty of room for colleges to compromise their academic mission.

AAU Pushes Climate Surveys

Amid growing pressure on colleges to conduct campus climate surveys, a group of research universities says it will voluntarily implement the tool, which is aimed at gauging attitudes toward sexual violence on campus.

Productivity Cliff

Study says research productivity among recent Ph.D.s drops off precipitously for all but the top-performing graduates, especially of the high-ranked departments. Why?

Gaming the System

Public colleges may be using grade inflation or tightening admissions standards to comply with performance-based funding, survey finds.