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Recommended Resting

Wake Forest University encourages students to de-stress by taking quick naps in its library. It's one of many ways colleges are trying to reduce the anxiety felt by their students.

Deadly Dating Violence

Over Thanksgiving weekend two college students were killed in cases of domestic abuse, which, while not as frequently discussed as sexual assault, remains a serious problem on college campuses.

Campus Culture and Sexual Assaults

U. of Virginia president, in outlining institution's response to a national problem, talks about gender and drinking, but does so without blaming women.

Swarthmore Backs Down

College vacates findings that led to expulsion of student who then sued under Title IX, arguing that handling of sexual misconduct allegations discriminated against men who were accused.

Zero Tolerance of What?

University of Virginia's board adopts policy to show it is getting tough on sexual assault on campus, but critics point out the lack of any specifics.

Mobile Bachelor's Degree

Brandman University goes all-in with a competency-based bachelor's degree that is online, available on a tablet, and not based on the credit hour. Its projected price tag? $10,000.

Australia Orders Plagiarism Review

Education minister, concerned by reports of rampant cheating by international students, directs quality assurance agency to examine institutions' policies.

Where the Time Goes

New analysis suggests that time to degree for Ph.D.s may not be as lengthy as some assume, and that the key to shorter humanities doctorates may be coursework, not the dissertation.