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Intercollegiate Sports Go International

Pac-12 is leading an effort to globalize U.S. intercollegiate sports, with a focus on China.

Fixing Grad School

New books set out agendas for both professors and students on how to change the experience and career paths.

Differing Definitions

Using the broad terminology behind the oft-cited (and federally embraced) one-in-five statistic, a survey at Rutgers University finds that 20 percent of female students have been sexually assaulted.

Different Conclusions on Sex Assaults

U of Kentucky did survey in which 80 percent of the student body participated and the definition of sexual assault was much more narrow than that used elsewhere. The finding: a significant number, but far lower than on other campuses, reporting assaults.

Allegations of Athletic Abuse Vindicated

Illinois fires football coach whom university earlier defended against charges of making team members play while injured.

Learning to Adapt

Newark's Essex County College tried adaptive learning software to improve remedial math success rates. It hasn't worked, as students and faculty have struggled with the "self-regulated" approach to learning.

A Common Sign

Fraternity members at an off-campus house near Old Dominion University are under fire for hanging sexist "welcome" signs -- behavior that offends many, but is a crude tradition at many colleges. Until now, few academic leaders have spoken out.

Science Matters

Just because doctors and scientists need to understand more than biology and chemistry doesn't mean that rigorous study of those and other fields isn't essential, writes Adele Wolfson.