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Not Up for Debate?

At Sacramento State, student says she was kicked out of class for insisting that Native Americans were victims of genocide. As incident is investigated, debate grows over whether she was treated unfairly -- and how to handle classroom discussions of this sort.


Rhode Island College looks to "meta majors" to improve retention rates and push students to make up their minds about a course of study.

Conflict of Interest?

Butler U replaces professor who was advising the student newspaper with university spokesman. While university says the arrangement is temporary, many question the ethics of the move.

Keeping Up With Competency

With 600 institutions at least in the design phase for a competency-based credential, college officials will meet this month to talk about how to build a program -- and how to ensure its academic quality.

Where No Band Has Gone Before

Is a marching band being punished for unsportsmanlike conduct or because a formation meant to represent the starship Enterprise struck some as ribald?

Sex on Campus

If we want to prevent assaults and protect students, it's time to talk about hypersexual culture and the messages it has sent to students before they arrive, writes Billie Wright Dziech.

Mildly Interdisciplinary

More doctoral students report that their dissertations extend beyond their primary discipline, but most aren't straying far from their original subject of study.

Call for Help

Outsourced counseling designed as an employee benefit helps low-income students succeed in college, the Dell Scholars Program finds, and colleges may be following suit.