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Cottage Industry on Preventing Sexual Assault

Since the federal government began applying more scrutiny to campus handling of sexual assault, more administrators and students are turning to for-profit consulting firms, prevention programs, and safety products for help.

Debating a Sexual Assault Policy

Columbia University unveils a new sexual assault policy, but student groups say the changes don't go far enough to address their concerns.

Supporting the Sex Assault Bill

Some higher education lobbying groups criticized the McCaskill campus sexual assault legislation as heavy-handed. But some colleges are largely backing the bill.

'What Happens in the Field'

Following a study, scientists call for more attention to sexual harassment and assault prevention at off-campus research sites.

Still Exempt From Title IX

Congress gave the service academies a pass before they enrolled women. 35 years -- and numerous reports about sexual assault later -- why is exemption still there?

Breaking Up the Party

Killing a risky student tradition is no easy feat, as Iowa State is sure to learn. But other universities can offer some lessons.

Sex Assault Bill Unveiled

Bipartisan Senate bill would stiffen penalties on colleges and require campus climate surveys. College lobbyists are skeptical of much of the legislation.

And the Band Plays On

Dismissal of marching band director at Ohio State reflects an unwillingness to tolerate behavior that once would have been written off as tradition.