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The Case for Student Shields

Unusual sexual harassment lawsuit at Northwestern U., in which a professor is suing a former graduate student who accused him of assault, has sparked debate about student indemnification policies.

Looking the Other Way?

After a football star at Alcorn State is revealed to be a registered sex offender, some ask why NCAA is resisting demands that it ban colleges from enrolling such athletes.

Pressure on the Presidents

Survey of college leaders finds significant minority in public sector feel pressure from governors. And as lawmakers want colleges to use climate surveys on sexual assaults, presidents support concept, but only a minority say their institutions are doing so.

Expulsions After Riots

West Virginia U. expels three students after riots Saturday -- part of President Gordon Gee's attempts to clean up the campus's image. But some worry due process may be lost in the effort.

Affirmative Consent, the New Standard

California's new law -- likely to be followed by others -- poses challenges to campus administrators trying to judge whether sexual violence has occurred, writes Christine Helwick.

Final Changes to Clery Act

New rules from the Department of Education will require colleges to provide crime statistics on dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking, as well as on reported crimes that were determined to be unfounded.

The 'Yes Means Yes' World

More than 800 colleges now use "affirmative consent" standard in sexual assault policies, but some worry that the swiftly changing definition could lead to confusion in the dorm room and complications in student conduct hearings.

Blaming the Victim

UW Madison told students that "if you present yourself as easy prey, then expect to attract some wolves." Many said that advice misses the point when it comes to preventing campus sexual assault.