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OCR in the Hot Seat

A heated Congressional exchange raises the question: does the U.S. government need more power to hold colleges accountable for handling sexual assault cases, or has it already overstepped its authority?

Changes to Campus Safety Rules

Education Department proposes new federal regulations that would require universities to report incidents of dating and domestic violence as well as sexual assault, and let accusers and the accused have advisers during disciplinary hearings.

Gender Gap on Safety

Female students are more likely to fear for their safety on campus than male students, and are less likely to think their colleges are doing enough to protect them, survey finds.

Outgunned, for Now

What do faculty members do when their state permits guns on campus? Idaho illustrates the challenges.

Extra Eyes and Ears

Jon Meis's heroism -- displayed when the 22-year-old engineering student pepper-sprayed and tackled a gunman at Seattle Pacific University -- is rare. The phenomenon of students working for campus security, however, is common, experts say.

Only Yes Means Yes

A bill that passed the California Senate would require college students to get a "yes" before sex.

Another Deadly Shooting

Man charged with murder after killing one and injuring two others at Seattle Pacific U. Another student is hailed as a hero for using pepper spray against killer while he was trying to reload weapon.

The Presentation Withheld From a Senator

American Council on Education webinar on lawmaker's survey on sex assault on campus -- secret until now -- warns institutions about "public relations risks" of responding and characterizes Congressional probes as a “mix of substance and politics."