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Swarthmore Backs Down

College vacates findings that led to expulsion of student who then sued under Title IX, arguing that handling of sexual misconduct allegations discriminated against men who were accused.

Zero Tolerance of What?

University of Virginia's board adopts policy to show it is getting tough on sexual assault on campus, but critics point out the lack of any specifics.

Gang Rape in 2012, Furor Today

Article in Rolling Stone sets off protests and soul-searching at U. of Virginia, and suspension of all fraternities until January 9.

Shooting at the Library

When a gunman opened fire in Florida State University's Strozier Library, he attacked "the very heart of campus."

AAU Pushes Climate Surveys

Amid growing pressure on colleges to conduct campus climate surveys, a group of research universities says it will voluntarily implement the tool, which is aimed at gauging attitudes toward sexual violence on campus.

Collective Punishment

Rather than suspend partying at specific Greek chapters after a violation has occurred, some colleges opt for systemwide bans.

The Wrong Standard

Princeton U. did not rush to change the burden of proof in sexual assault investigations, and the Education Department determined that was a violation of Title IX.

The Right to Sanction

Did the U. of Kansas overstep its bounds when it expelled a student for harassing an ex-girlfriend online, or was it acting on instructions from the federal government?