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Third Try Isn't the Charm

Most community college students take a break from college on the way to earning a four-year degree, but few make it there if they "stop out" more than once.

Wrong Answer on Remediation

States that shut down developmental education without trying some emerging alternatives will hurt the low-income students they are claiming to help, write William Tierney and Julia Duncheon.

In the Dark on Data

Adult students aren't using College Scorecard and other consumer websites as they consider college, and they aren't interested in performance metrics like graduation rates and debt levels.

Scorecard for Scorecards

Complete College America talks up peformance-based funding at its annual meeting, releasing a report that rates the 16 states that have tried it so far.

In Fighting Cheating, Character Counts

James Lang's recent book on academic dishonesty encourages professors to alter the learning environment to try to change student behavior. That's letting students off the hook, Jonathan Marks argues.

Faster Math Path

Accelerated remediation starts to catch on at California community colleges, but might be slowed down by public university transfer policies.

Culture of Completion

Students are asking faculty members to pledge to create a culture of completion.

Walking the Walk on Completion

Community colleges are trying proven completion strategies, but typically with only a limited number of students.