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Competency vs. Open-Ended Inquiry

Competency-based education and more "personalized" degree programs offer false promise, writes Amy E. Slaton, and could actually worsen inequality in higher education.

Going All In on Proficiencies

The University of Maine at Presque Isle is moving away from grades to competency-style education for all of its academic programs, with an announcement that both drew praise and raised questions.

It's Not All Bad

The state of academic rigor and student engagement in the classroom isn't in a total state of decay, but there is plenty to be desired, study suggests.

'Competency' and Residential Colleges

Rather than dismiss competency-based education as shallow, colleges that emphasize the physical campus should work to document the learning that can occur only in that setting, writes W. Kent Barnds.

Turnitin Put to the Test

Did the plagiarism detection software Turnitin cut "unoriginal writing" by almost 40 percent? Not so fast, one researcher says.

Tackle the Real Problem

Community college student success is more important than concern about "undermatching," writes Tom Bailey. And making a dent in that problem requires comprehensive reforms.

Crackdown on Coding Academies

A California agency's threatening letters to a new cadre of technology training providers spotlight anew the tension between protecting consumers and encouraging innovation.

Seeking Answers on 'Competency'

Competency-based education holds much promise, but many questions remain -- which is why we need a federal program to experiment with it, Paul LeBlanc writes.