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Graduates, Disengaged

Bachelor's-degree holders are less likely to be involved in and enthusiastic about their work than people with more or less education, survey finds.

New Yardstick of Quality

Diverse group of 18 institutions, with Gates's backing, releases new set of metrics to measure colleges' performance and return on investment.

New Measure of Success

College associations create system to convey more information on completion than is provided by federal report.

Credit Creep

Community colleges often require more than 60 credits for associate degrees, which could be a barrier to graduation for some students.

Mind the Gap

Lumina Foundation sets 10 new degree attainment goals for 2016 while decrying growing racial and ethnic gaps.

Single Stop Before Graduation

For many needy college students, finishing degrees starts with applying for food stamps or filling out a federal tax form.

Plagiarizing Across Europe

Many students in many countries don't know what the rules are, study finds.

Remediation If You Want It

New Florida law lets high school graduates decide for themselves -- no testing needed -- whether they are ready for college-level work.