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General Education's Remake

Liberal education group wants to redesign general education around competencies, and gets $2.3 million from the Gates Foundation for the project.

It Ain’t What I Say

When administrators about issues such as assessment and competency-based learning, writes Judith Shapiro, the language they use is crucial if they want to engage faculty members.

Tech Alone Won't Cut It

Electronic advising systems have plenty of potential, writes Melinda Mechur Karp. But they will fall short without more attention to the messy, human side educational technology.

Badging From Within

A digital badging project at UC Davis is drawing notice, but the innovation looks more like competency-based education than a form of alternative credentials.

Not-So-Final Exam

What if a professor gives a test and accidentally gives out the answers -- but only to some students?

Looks Matter

High schoolers who are physically attractive are more likely than others to complete college, study finds.

Update: White House Meeting Postponed

Nelson Mandela's death puts on hold caucus for college leaders to talk about lower-income student success, for which they have been asked to set specific goals.

Another Kean U. Scandal

Associate vice president for academic affairs leaves after report she wrote is found to have been plagiarized.