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Canary in the Coal Mine

Nonelite law schools face an existential threat due to market-based disruptions, write Michele Pistone and Michael Horn, who describe innovations that can help.

Separating Education From Credentialing

Technology think tank says standardized testing by outside groups and alternative forms of credentialing could create helpful competitive pressure on higher education and the traditional college degree.

Is It a Push or a Pull?

Perhaps we in higher ed should consider motivating students to graduate by focusing more on what they have left to do than what they have already done, argues Alexandra W. Logue.

Yes, It Was Plagiarism

Sections of Melania Trump's speech were, in fact plagiarized, and the scandal shouldn't be trivialized, writes R. Scott Rasnic.

The Politics Beyond the Plagiarism

Calling Melania Trump a plagiarist gives her a kind of agency the Trump campaign probably didn't intend for her to have, argues Jonathan Beecher Field, and the incident involves far larger issues.

Scorecard for Accreditors

The Education Department has created new data reports on the performance of accrediting agencies, using measures such as graduation and loan repayment rates at colleges the agencies oversee.

Logging Off, Dropping Out

Hard data on which students are failing to use learning management software can help colleges intervene to boost retention rates.

Focus on Certificates Boosts Completion Goals

Louisiana and other states are closer to reaching college completion goals as their emphasis shifts to more certificates in addition to degrees.